Historic Patterns: Stripes

You may think that stripe patterns are simple, pose little challenge to design and perhaps you even consider stripes a bit basic or uninteresting? Well think again!

Stripes should...

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A method for creating original work & developing your style

In this article you'll learn about a method I use in my own design process, that helps me create better, more qualitative work. And to push myself to evolve as a surface pattern de...

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Creating historically inspired pattern collections

How do you create pattern collections with historical styles, like Toile de Jouy, Damask and Arts and Crafts?

And what type of patterns would you use as coordinating patterns with...

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Historic Patterns: The Polka dot

The dot is a commonly used motif element in many classic pattern styles, but the most well known and with the strongest concept has to be the Polka Dot pattern style. In this artic...

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Historic Patterns: Vermicular

You may never have heard about this pattern style or category before, but after reading this article, you’ll most likely start seeing it everywhere.

Let me present to you: Vermic...

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Historic Patterns: Millefleurs

It is clear that many of todays contemporary and modern floral patterns have evolved from a historical floral style called Millefleurs. In this article you’ll learn about this styl...

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Historic Patterns: Chinoiserie

Today the Chinoiserie style is often associated with luxury and high-end interior brands and is definitely one to adapt for your pattern portfolio, however Chinoiserie has had it’s...

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Historic Patterns: Toile de Jouy

Did you know, Toile de Jouy has become one of my specialties when it comes to creating custom made patterns for clients? Being a 250 year old pattern style hasn’t in any way made i...

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Historic Pattern Styles: Indian Floral

Indian florals have been a recurring element within fashion and interior design from the ancient modern era until the present day. And now they are seen everywhere, as popular as e...

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Historic Patterns: Damask

From sumptuous woven court robes in the 5th century China, to dramatic flocked wallpapers today, Damask patterns offer really complex designs, often with elaborate and symmetri...

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10 Background Ideas For Creating Layered Patterns

Have you ever noticed how some patterns draw you in closer, intrigued to take a further look? Or some that have you noticing new things every time you look at them?

I bet...

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10 Common Pattern Composition Mistakes To Avoid

In many ways designing a pattern is a pursuit to find the perfect balance between the different elements in the pattern composition. When a pattern design is balanced it feels ...

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