What you can learn from studying pattern history

evolve as a pattern designer Feb 12, 2023

Paisley, Damask, Toile de Jouy, Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, Indian Floral, Mid-century Modern, Chinoiserie, Arabesque. These are all classic styles for patterns, that have lived on in peoples homes, clothing - and hearts for decades, centuries, yes some even millennia. They all have some kind of X-factor in common, that something that makes them timeless and come back in new forms, again and again.

In this article I will share some tips for what you can learn from the history of pattern and its masters and masterpieces.

4 things you can learn from pattern history

Besides inspiring us, we can learn a lot from historic styles. It was by studying historic patterns and styles that I learned most of what I know on how to design and create patterns, especially complex patterns. It has also influenced my design style in many ways.

1. Expand our pattern knowledge

There are so many different ways to create patterns, and by discovering the different types and styles of history we will expand our awareness of what is possible for us to make.

If you want to expand your knowledge about patterns, you can download and read my free guide called the Patternpedia - an encyclopedia for surface pattern designers with over 130 pattern types, historic styles and classic motifs - from A-Z.


2. Improve our design skills

We can study historic patterns and how those masters before us has used the elements and principles of pattern design: how to create motifs, layout, compositions and the use of color.

3. Predicting trends

Another interesting way to look at pattern design history is for predicting trends. Throughout history, every new trend is a reaction and often a rebellion to the trend before and it’s like a pendant swinging from one extreme to another. A trend that is sober and mellow will be followed by a trend that is extravagant and loud. So by looking at what is trendy right now we can get clues to what’s to come.

4. Develop your own personal style

Pattern history can be a source of inspiration for helping us develop our own design styles. By exploring the designs made by the masters before us we can pick the elements and techniques that especially speak to us and with that create something new and original.


Create a set of boards on Pinterest and start collecting historic pattern styles. Take notes on what it is that you like in the different styles but also in specific patterns. This can give you a clue to what you want to create yourself and give you inspiration for your next pattern. Just make sure to create your own original work and not getting too inspired by one specific design.

See how I do this and follow my Pinterest boards here >>